Is it possible to be happy and sad at the same time?

Happy and sad.

I used to think these two emotions were experienced at opposite times. Days like today remind me just how wrong I was. Life is a constant balance of happy and sad.

Today I'm happy that it's above freezing, but sad that it's rainy and dreary. I would love to be outside enjoying this Sunday afternoon walking with a friend.

I'm happy that little Grace keeps us company and makes us smile, even when she's just destroyed a basket or a new toy.

I'm happy that my kids are off doing their thing and living their lives, even though the house is quieter than I would like.

And as I reflect on the death of a family member lost too soon yesterday, I am so happy that I was loved by him and so very sad that he is gone.

I'm happy for the memories that death can't take from us and sad for all those he leaves behind.

I'm beyond happy that he is now in the presence of God, but sad that he is no longer with us.

More than anything, I am happy because for my dear uncle, there is no more happy and sad. There is just JOY. I am grateful that death doesn't have the final word. Thanks to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the mixed bag of happy and sad is only temporary.

I hope you, like Grace, can find rest and comfort on this Sunday. Please hug your loved ones and wear your mask.