Matt's Been Hospitalized, Day -5


Praise God! Matt is one day closer to transplant and by the grace of God, he is still smiling.

Today is Day -5, which meant Matt was hospitalized and started the conditioning phase of transplant. Basically this means that they are preparing his body for the new stem cells that will be infused on Day 0 (June 25). Today he got a big dose of chemo and tomorrow will be the same. Monday- Wednesday he will get full body radiation—all to wipe out his immune system so his body can accept a new one.

Despite that big dose of chemo, Matt still felt physically great today. It’s likely this won’t continue but join me in praying it will and that God will continue to show Matt favor. 🧡 And thank God for another good day!!!

It was wonderful to be able to go with Matt today. We walked a mile and a half (19 laps around the unit). Watched some Nailed It (a baking show), and generally just had a nice day together. We are so thankful the visitor policy has been relaxed. Tomorrow Tom is going to be Matthew May’s visitor so they can spend Father’s Day together.

Thank you all for continuing to pray and walk with us. And happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there- especially Tom May! You’re a good man, Tom, and I am so thankful for you.