Are You A Dreamer?

Were we born dreamers? Once upon a time, did we all aspire to something that by definition we would call a dream? Or is defining what a “dream” is part of the problem? I don’t know the answer to these questions, but I think they are certainly worth pondering.

As I’ve done so, I’ve thought back to my childhood and specifically to my mother. Did she have dreams? If she did, I certainly don’t know what they were. It seemed like she was more concerned about surviving than dreaming. But then again, we never talked about our dreams. I sure wish we had.

I remember one time in college being asked in an interview about my greatest dreams for the future. Without hesitation, I answered that I wanted to be a mother. Five years later, I was one and from there my dreams centered around my children. I wanted a little better life than I had and Tom and I worked hard to give them that.

Along the way, sure, I had GOALS of my own. I wanted to learn to teach group fitness classes, run a marathon, make enough money so that we could travel and provide for our kids. But was I DREAMING?

Deep down, I have always considered this idea of writing a book and speaking to people a dream, but one I kept very quiet. After all, do I really have the skill and will to make this crazy dream come to life?

These thoughts all keep rolling around in my head like a tumbleweed blowing across the desert. Why? Because I want you to know that wherever you’re at on the spectrum of “dreamers” is ok! For some of you, like my mother, being able to comfortably put food on the table and pay the bills is your dream. For others, it might be earning a six or seven figure income or for other still, it might be working at your home to raise your children.

I simply want to encourage you to stop and ask yourself about your dreams. I want you to consider dreaming again, or dreaming bigger, or dreaming for yourself again or maybe for the first time ever. And then, I’m going to ask you to do something potentially very scary: share that dream with God (after all He probably put it there) and share it with a friend. And if you want to get really crazy, write it down. Simply writing it down increases the likelihood of achieving it by nearly 90 percent.

Anyone brave enough to share it here?

Robin MayComment