A Prayer of Encouragement
When 2020 started, I decided to make a prayer from Teresa of Avila part of my daily routine. Through the start of a hopeful year, to its intersection with an unknown pandemic, and through an ongoing battle with my son’s leukemia, this prayer has been my constant companion.
I read it in the quiet of the mornings. I whisper it to myself when I feel anxious. I say it out loud to others to remind my soul of its truths. I breathe it in and fill my lungs with life.
I also ponder it, study it and try to find ways to truly live it. To this goal, I sat with it back at the end of July when it looked like Matt would have to have a second bone marrow transplant. My heart was broken, my body exhausted and my soul deeply sorrowful. I turned to this prayer for encouragement.
In those moments, I felt God tugging at me to dig deeper with it and explore it word by word, line by line. The result has been a source of great strength for me, reminding me of God’s sovereignty, goodness and faithfulness. I hope it will meet you in your time of need as well.
May TODAY (in this moment, right now, the present) there be PEACE (tranquility, shalom, serenity, calm, freedom from disturbances or distractions) WITHIN (inside of me).
May I TRUST (have confidence, faith, acceptance without evidence or investigation) GOD (my creator, sustainer, Faither, provider, El Shaddi; the Almighty, El Elyon; the Most High, Yahweh; the Great I Am, our victory, our warrior, our sacrificial lamb, our Shalom; peace, our Shepherd, sanctifier, and our righteousness) that I am EXACTLY (precisely, accurately, entirely, without discrepancy) where I am meant to be.
May I not FORGET (neglect or stop considering) the INFINITE (boundless, impossible to measure or calculate, limitless, immense) POSSIBILITIES (promises, alternatives, likelihoods, potentials) that are born BORN (come to life often through a painful process, awakened) of FAITH (complete trust, complete confidence, unwavering belief)
May I USE (display to accomplish a purpose or achieve a result for your glory) the GIFTS (something given freely without payment, a donation, a natural ability or talent) that I have RECEIVED (taken charge of, be responsible for).
And PASS ON (hand over) the LOVE (affection, intense feeling of deep joyful expression, showing care for) that has been given to me.
May I be CONTENT (a state of peaceful happiness, satisfied, pleased) KNOWING (being aware, realize, being conscious of) I am a CHILD (a descendant, an heir, offspring, influenced by my heritage, made in the likeness of, fruit) of GOD (see description above).
Let this presence SETTLE (make a permanent home) into my BONES (my body’s basic, fundamental framework that holds me up) and ALLOW (permit, authorize, grant, empower, enable) my soul the FREEDOM (power to act, speak and think without restraint, privilege, liberty, independence, openness) to sing, dance, PRAISE (admire, worship, glorify, honor and acclaim) and love.
It is there for each and EVERYONE (all inclusively available) of us.