Are You a Curious Christian?
I guess it happens to most everyone over 40, if not before. Things we once saw so clearly (in the literal sense) now become fuzzy and indistinct. This phenomenon is new to me. Until the past few years, I haven’t had to set my pride aside, dig to the bottom of my purse to find my glasses, and put them on. But when I do, I am honestly amazed. I can’t believe how much I thought I was seeing versus what I was really missing.
I am learning that I experience God in much the same way. I think I see Him. I think I know Him. But yet upon closer inspection and with His graceful insight, I realize I am only seeing a fraction of His fullness, His beauty, His love, and His plan.
When people ask me, I tell them that I have been a Christian my entire life. I don’t remember a time when God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Helper of the Holy Spirit weren’t a part of my thinking. Because of my upbringing, believing in this abstract Creator and His pursuit of me through the life of Jesus Christ have been as real to me as is the blue sky or the cool breeze. I can’t explain any of them - but I trust them to be real.
In Mark 10, Jesus encourages us to have child-like faith - to be dependent, to be humble, to trust Him to be who He says He is! But in this calling, I often forget what it means to be curious like a child; asking different questions about Him, wanting to see more of His intricacies, exploring new facets of His character. Sometimes, I forget to put my glasses on and really explore God. Sometimes I get lazy and think what I see and know about Him is good enough. And when I do, I miss His fullness and grandeur. And I can get stuck spiritually.
Does this ever happen to you? Do you ever find yourself being content with what you know about this unfathomable, omnipotent, omnipresent God?
If so, please share what has helped you get unstuck. Is it a new devotional? A new book of the Bible you’ve never explored? A new study with friends or a group of fellow believers? Maybe it’s a podcast from someone who isn’t in your typical wheelhouse? And maybe it was just taking 10 minutes to sit alone with God asking Him to reveal something new about Himself to you?
“When you come looking for me, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:13 The Message